Function: 1. Adjust effectively micro-ecology bacteria group balance in animal gut, restrain the growth of colibacillus, salmonella and other harmful bacteria and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria breeding, such as lactobacillus, bifid bacterium and etc.
2. Improve animal immunity; reduce animal morbidity and the dosage of antibiotic
3. Increase digestion utilization rate of feed, promote animal growth, reduce feed dosage and improve the feed efficiency.
4. Reduce excretion of ammonia and nitrogen in animal waste, decrease the concentration of harmful gas in breeding place for livestock and poultry, improve the breeding condition and reduce environment pollution.
5.Inhibit harmful mircroorganisms: It can attach on the surface of intestinal tract in fish and shrimp to form dominant bacteria colony and metabolize antibacterial peptide and amino glycoside antibiotics materials which can inhibit or kill surface harmful microorganism, so that effectively prevent aquatic animals from enteritis, rotten gills and other disease.
6.Promote Aquatic Animal Growth: It can rapidly attach on the intestinal tract and spout, reduce intestinal pH and the concentration of Ammonia and produce abundant amylase, protease, lipase, NSP enzyme and etc. which will promote digestion and absorption of nutrients, enhance growth speed and reduce feed coefficient.
7.Enhance organism disease-resistance: It is a good immune activator which can effectively improve interferon and macrophage activity. It can strengthen organism's immunity and disease resistance and improve survival and breeding success rate by generating non-specific immune factors to stimulate organism's immunity.
8.Purifying Aquaculture Water: It can promote the absorption of nutrients and reduce the excretion of organic waste. Meantime, the probiotics along with the excretion of aquatic animals will go into the water environment and effectively break down ammonia nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, nitrite, indole and other harmful substances. Improve water quality and substrate, stabilize the pH, reduce disease and even avoid using medicine.